300519 RESULTS

Glial Cell Communities Conspire to Drive Alzheimer’s Disease

RESEARCH NEWS 2024-09-26 Research News The amyloid cascade—plaques to tangles to cognitive decline—has become well established. Less well understood is what role inflammation and glial changes play. Now, by analyzing single-nuclei RNA-Seq data from more than 400 postmortem brains

X-Chromosome-Wide Association Data Spot Alzheimer’s Loci

RESEARCH NEWS 2024-09-25 Research News About two-thirds of people with Alzheimer’s disease are women, yet due to the challenges in studying X chromosomes, a genetic foundation for this has been difficult to uncover. Now, two large X-chromosome-wide association studies (XWAS) and

Human Cell Models Reveal Two Sides to α-Synuclein Inclusions

RESEARCH NEWS 2024-09-20 Research News Not all α-synuclein inclusions are created equal. That’s the upshot from a new stem cell approach to study “inclusionopathies,” such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. As reported in the September issue of Neuron, scientists led by Vik

MODEL-AD Probably Has Something for You

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2024-09-19 Conference Coverage Alzheimer’s is a multifaceted disease, particularly in its sporadic, late-onset form. Myriad factors—genetics, environment, cardiovascular health, metabolism, and inflammation—contribute to a decades-long process. Generating animal mod

Could “Big Tau” Protect Brain Regions from Tangles?

RESEARCH NEWS 2024-09-12 Research News In Alzheimer’s disease, tau tangles accumulate in the temporal lobe and cortex, but spare other regions such as the cerebellum and brainstem. In a July 31 preprint on bioRxiv, scientists led by Huda Zoghbi at Baylor College of Medicine, Hous

A Country Doctor, But Oh So Much More: Francisco Lopera, 73

COMMUNITY NEWS 2024-09-12 Community News On Tuesday September 10, Francisco Lopera died of cancer at his home in Medellin, Colombia. He was 73, and only just beginning to see his life’s work come to fruition. In fact, Lopera still had much to do. With his group, he was gearing up

Nix Tryptophan Metabolite, Temper Alzheimer’s?

RESEARCH NEWS 2024-09-06 Research News Could one tiny little amino acid derivative make Alzheimer’s disease a whole lot worse? In the August 25 Science, researchers led by Katrin Andreasson, Stanford University School of Medicine, report that, in response to oligomers of Aβ or ta

That Retrotransposon in TMEM106b: Friend or Foe?

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2024-09-04 Conference Coverage Ever since variants in the gene for TMEM106b were tied to frontotemporal dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other neurodegenerative diseases, this endolysosomal protein has been a head-scratcher for scientists. Its ability to surprise is exemp

Questions, Questions for Donanemab, Lecanemab

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2024-08-30 Conference Coverage As amyloid immunotherapy is being rolled out, mostly in specialty care thus far, both treating physicians and researchers have many questions about it. Scientists at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, held last month

Liraglutide Trial Was Negative Four Years Ago, Still Negative Today

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2024-08-09 Conference Coverage Among the hundreds of studies presented at this year’s Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, held July 27 to August 1 in Philadelphia, one of the few that made a splash in the news was not news at all. Perhaps spurred by a

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