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Pin1 flips Alzheimer's switch.
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Autophagy and neurodegeneration.
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From green bacteria to human dementia: a novel model for discovering amyloid assembly inhibitors.
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A high-throughput screen for compounds that inhibit aggregation of the Alzheimer's peptide.
ACS Chem Biol. 2006 Aug 22;1(7):461-9. PubMed.PAPER Lashuel HA, Hirling H
Rescuing defective vesicular trafficking protects against alpha-synuclein toxicity in cellular and animal models of Parkinson's disease.
ACS Chem Biol. 2006 Aug 22;1(7):420-4. PubMed.PAPER Rochet JC
Errors in translation cause selective neurodegeneration.
ACS Chem Biol. 2006 Oct 24;1(9):562-6. PubMed.PAPER Garske AL, Smith BC, Denu JM
Linking SIRT2 to Parkinson's disease.
ACS Chem Biol. 2007 Aug 17;2(8):529-32. PubMed.PAPER Nilsson KP, Aslund A, Berg I, Nyström S, Konradsson P, Herland A, Inganäs O, Stabo-Eeg F, Lindgren M, Westermark GT, Lannfelt L, Nilsson LN, Hammarström P
Imaging distinct conformational states of amyloid-beta fibrils in Alzheimer's disease using novel luminescent probes.
ACS Chem Biol. 2007 Aug 17;2(8):553-60. PubMed.PAPER Stains CI, Ghosh I
When conjugated polymers meet amyloid fibrils.
ACS Chem Biol. 2007 Aug 17;2(8):525-8. PubMed.PAPER Bakshi P, Margenthaler E, Laporte V, Crawford F, Mullan M
Novel role of CXCR2 in regulation of gamma-secretase activity.
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Novel pentameric thiophene derivatives for in vitro and in vivo optical imaging of a plethora of protein aggregates in cerebral amyloidoses.
ACS Chem Biol. 2009 Aug 21;4(8):673-84. PubMed.PAPER Zheng H, Youdim MB, Fridkin M
Site-activated chelators targeting acetylcholinesterase and monoamine oxidase for Alzheimer's therapy.
ACS Chem Biol. 2010 Jun 18;5(6):603-10. PubMed.PAPER Bolognesi B, Kumita JR, Barros TP, Esbjorner EK, Luheshi LM, Crowther DC, Wilson MR, Dobson CM, Favrin G, Yerbury JJ
ANS binding reveals common features of cytotoxic amyloid species.
ACS Chem Biol. 2010 Aug 20;5(8):735-40. PubMed.PAPER Muirhead KE, Froemming M, Li X, Musilek K, Conway SJ, Sames D, Gunn-Moore FJ
(-)-CHANA, a fluorogenic probe for detecting amyloid binding alcohol dehydrogenase HSD10 activity in living cells.
ACS Chem Biol. 2010 Dec 17;5(12):1105-14. PubMed.Current Filters
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