Member Directory
Contact Information
Ralf Ihl
Krefeld, Germany
Professional Information
Prof. Dr.
Alexian Hospital
Financial Disclosure
Member reports the following financial or other potential conflicts of interest:
[Last updated: Nov 1, 2012]
Research support:Bundesministerium für Gesundheit; Aktion Psychisch Kranke e.v.; European Union
Alexian Hospital, Krefeld; Consulting and Advisory boards honoraria: APK, Amtsgericht Krefeld, Landgericht Düsseldorf, Landgericht Wuppertal, Landgericht Duisburg. Speakers honoraria: Global Life Sciences, GE Healthcare, IFE, BDI, Double Helix Development, Merz, Bezirksregierung Arnsberg, Austroplant, Caritas Siegen, KDA, Lebenswerk, LVR Düren, Medical Tribune, Pierrel, Pfrimmer Nutritia GmbH, Schwabe. Royalties:
Beltz Test, BOD, Friedrichverlag, Hogrefe, Med. Komm., Thieme, Urban & Vogel, Westermayer
Personal financial interests: None