Have you ever been jolted wide awake by—biostatistics? That’s what happened on the last morning of the Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease conference held November 5-7 in Barcelona, Spain. At 8 a.m., as sleepy CTADeers slowly shuffled in, Suzanne Hendr
Alois Alzheimer made a major breakthrough when he discovered senile plaques in the brains of dementia patients, and his work ultimately led to the discovery of amyloid-β and to the amyloid cascade hypothesis. But that cascade is only part of a much bigger
On Thursday, 24 February 2011, Ruth Itzhaki, University of Manchester, U.K.; Elisa Porcellini, University of Bologna, Italy; Luc Letenneur, INSERM, Bordeaux, France, and Richard Smeyne, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, shared som
This Webinar recapped the latest research in this area. Michael Heneka of the University of Bonn, Germany, and Doug Feinstein of the University of Illinois, Chicago, gave presentations, and were joined in a panel discussion by Virgil Muresan, New Jersey M
On 15 June 2009, we hosted a Webinar discussion with slide presentations by Ian McKeith at Newcastle University, UK, James Leverenz at University of Washington, Seattle, James Galvin, Washington University, St. Louis, Brit Mollenhauer of Paracelsus-Elena