An Integrated Epigenetic-Genetic Approach to AD
Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A.
07 – 08 June 2010
Epigenetics, the "software" that interprets information stored in the DNA "hardware," may just be the next big thing in bioscience. Recent studies indicating that epigenetic changes may play a role in learning, memory, and AD have generated buzz, and raised hope of novel therapeutic approaches. But what is this new field all about? How does it fit in with the genetics of AD? To address these questions, the National Institute on Aging convened researchers from the fields of epigenetics, genetics, and gene regulation earlier this month. The scientists discussed new studies that seek to define the role of epigenetics in AD, and how their nascent field will handle an expected flood of epigenetic data.
Bethesda: Dawn of the Epigenetics Era
Epigenetics, the study of how modifications to DNA and chromatin regulate the activity of genes, is the hot new thing in bioscience...
Bethesda: The Methylated Brain
Methylation patterns being strongly influenced by the genetic makeup of the individual was taken up at the workshop...
Bethesda: "Ome" Sweet "Ome"—Epigenome Joins Genome, Proteome
Histone acetylation is a particularly intriguing epigenetic mark, in part because it changes dynamically...