World Alzheimer Conference 2000: Presenilin Roundup
Presenilins and Lewy body pathology. Lippa et al (173) used α-synuclein immunoreactivity to determine the frequency of Lewy body (LB) occurrence in familial Alzheimer's disease...
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Presenilins and Lewy body pathology. Lippa et al (173) used α-synuclein immunoreactivity to determine the frequency of Lewy body (LB) occurrence in familial Alzheimer's disease...
Increasing attention has focused on the role of synucleins in neurodegeneration. α-synuclein was originally cloned by Richard Scheller from rat brain (1). Subsequently...
Joseph F. Poduslo and colleagues at Mayo Clinic report in the August issue of Nature Biotechnology (pp. 868-872) on a technique for imaging Aβ deposits in living brain...
Mice carrying the P301 mutation in tau, which causes human frontotemporal dementia, develop neurofibrillary pathology with features mimicking those of human tauopathies...
Chris Weihl Interviews Richard Mayeux
This symposium (held 10 July) covered the gamut of age-related evolution of brain function in AD from behavioral studies emphasizing mild cognitive impairment (MCI) through microscopic structure...
The relative paucity of presentations utilizing array technologies to study alterations of gene expression in Alzheimer's disease indicates that these powerful technologies are yet to be fully utilized in the study of AD...
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) has been defined as a clinical entity whose characteristics were reviewed by Ron Petersen. Persons with MCI have memory impairment beyond what would be expected for age, yet they are not demented...
There were a number of oral and poster presentations at the World Alzheimer Congress 2000 relating to BACE biology...
The scientific highlight of the Prof. Henry Wisniewski memorial symposium (12 July) was an informative lecture about familial British dementia (FBD)...
Almost 12% (152) of the 1307 abstracts presented at the 7th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and related disorders made reference to presenilin (PS)...
One of the great unsolved mysteries of Alzheimer's disease is the link between the disease's two major lesions: β amyloid plaques and tau tangles...
Several late-breaking, dramatic results were presented at this final symposium of the World Alzheimer Congress 2000...
Michael Hutton and colleagues from Mayo Laboratory, Jacksonville, revealed that double transgenics expressing the Swedish APP mutation and P301L tau also had NFTs and neuropathology...
It has been a century since Alzheimer and Bielchowsky reported senile plaques (SP) in AD brain, but it was only relatively recently appreciated that SPs are embraced by reactive astrocytes and microglia...
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